I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders at the University of Alabama, a position I have held since the fall of 2021. I am also an affiliated scientist at Haskins Laboratories (Yale University). I serve as an Associate Editor for the Language Communication special section of Frontiers in Communication and as a Review Editor for Psycholinguistics, special section of Frontiers in Language Sciences. At the University of Alabama, I direct the Psycholinguistics Laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with an EyeLink 1000 plus eye tracker and an actiCHamp EEG system (Brain Products GmbH).

Before joining the University of Alabama, I had the privilege of working as a post-doctoral researcher with some amazing people. Initially, I was at Haskins Laboratories under the supervision of Julie Van Dyke, Nicole Landi, and Julia Irwin. Subsequently, I worked at the University of Georgia (UGA) under the guidance of John Hale. I earned my PhD in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences from the City University of New York, CUNY (supervisor: Klara Marton).

I am a psycholinguist. My research seeks to understand how the cognitive architecture constrains speech and language processing. I am interested in the role that memory mechanisms and probabilistic expectations play in speech and language processing in typical and atypical populations.